Dr. John Gottman is a research scientist on marriage and family, he is also the author of the book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
There were a few things I found very interesting about Dr. Gottman’s book. I’ve heard him speak and read some of his work before in some of my communications classes. But I’ve never heard that communication, or conflict resolution, is not necessarily the key to a successful marriage. In fact, he says that most conflicts will not get resolved.
In conflict there are the what is called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These include 1.) Criticism, 2.) Contempt, 3.) Defensiveness, and 4.) Stonewalling. These can be one aspect of predicting divorce, but Dr. Gottman also said that Four Horsemen do not have to end a marriage. If a couple are able to accomplish what he calls a repair attempt. This is something a couple will do to alleviate the tension when in an argument or heated discussion. It can include making a silly face or repeat an inside joke, something that will make the couple laugh or smile. It makes sense that if a couple can have a successful repair attempt they can recover from the damages done by one or all of the horsemen.
Dr. Gottman indicates that a big part of a successful marriage is your friendship with one another and whether you have a negative or positive view on your relationship (past and present). I talked to my mom about her relationship with my dad and what made their relationship successful. She said they talked about things, they had a good relationship and friendship. She also realized that when my dad was upset she would be calm and when she was upset he would be the calm one. What stands out here is that they had a good relationship and friendship with one another.
I’ve really come to enjoy Dr. Gottman’s research and findings, and I’m really looking forward to reading more about his work.